Fuerte trip

After a cold and long winter in Holland we dicided to go for a 10 days trip to Fuerteventura.
Bouke (Witchcraft) told me earlier that Fuerte is the place to be for the winterperiod.
It's a 4 hours fly, lot's of spots in a 30 min drive, side off wind and plentyof spots to surf when the wind is off.

He was right! Fuerte is the bomb!!

Glass Beach with 4.7 Fire and the Witchcraft 89

Ligtwind wavesailing in front of the rocks at Las Banderas


Secret spot..... somewhere in the south ;-)

Sparky .... ;-)

4 days in a row

It seems like the coldest part of the winter is over. February starts with a stormy south wester and 10 degrees. Three days with 3.8 and one day with 4.3. The first day i was on the water with a 68 L SOS Fish and the other three days i took the 83 L Witchcraft tri-fin. Damn.... this board rocks.... even in stormy conditions it's easy to handle!

Top turn with the Witchcraft V3.0 83 L and 3.8 Smack